You’ll be surprised at all the free books that are out there. Non-fiction and fiction books, from everything from animals to fairies. These websites have titles for all ranges of kids, too, from toddlers all the way up to young adults. If you don’t want to hear stories all day long, consider purchasing a pair of headphones for your child. There are some great headphone options on the market designed just for kids. The kid books listed here are the top 100 best sellers, and they’re updated often. These Kindle books can be sorted so you can find the most recently added ones, those with the highest star rating, and eBooks that have the most reviews. You’re able to read these eBooks online as well as download them for a Kindle and copy them to cloud storage services like Dropbox and Google Drive. New books are added often, but not always in this particular category, which means the ones you browse through may already be expired. Their email subscription service is great because you can sign up to receive children’s books only instead of other genres. You can filter the books by language and/or rating, and sort them alphabetically, by author, by rating, or by popularity. Each download page has lots of useful information, such as the number of downloads, page count, publish date, and an excerpt from the book. You can scroll through and look at each book’s cover; clicking one takes you to the description which includes the download link, the publisher’s description, and the regular, non-discounted price. You can browse for eBooks in sections like Fairy Tales, Humor, Ages 4-8, Ages 9-12, Literature, and Animals. You can also search for Kindle books and sort the kids’ books by average rating, the number of ratings, and the date the title was added to the site. The kids books are in genres such as Lifestyles, Magic, Careers, Girls & Women, Horror & Ghost Stories, Fantasy, Boys/Men, and Science Fiction. Different books may have different file format options for download, like PDF, EPUB, and MOBI. There’s a specific section for children’s books labeled Children’s, and another as ​Middle Grade, but they aren’t all free to download; you have to check the prices to be sure. You can see all the free books here but they aren’t categorized by kids-only titles. There are plenty of children’s eBooks available, and the website updates every hour for even more. The genre that has free eBooks for kids is called Children’s eBooks, but there might be some suitable ones under Teen & Young Adult, too. Centsless Books’ website lets you browse and search for free Kindle books as well as subscribe for free email updates. Some of the books added to this site may be free for just one day only, which means you should stay on top of the updates to take advantage of the deals. A free subscription service is available that will send you the daily Kindle books directly to your email in any genre you choose. There’s also a section called Teen & Young Adult, which, depending on the age of the reader, might be preferred. You can clearly see when a free book will expire and start to cost, which is helpful. The site also tells you the target age for the book, like if it’s for kids 2-8 years of age, and shows an excerpt. A free newsletter is available that lets you stay up to date with new releases through your email, but they also have a Facebook and Twitter page that posts updates. You’re able to enter your email address at The Savvy Bump to get free deals sent to your inbox so you don’t have to check the website. Over 300,000 eBooks for children are available in sections of this website like Young Adult Fiction, Young Adult Non-Fiction, Juvenile Fiction, and Young Adult Literature. Once you’ve had a book for a few weeks, it will automatically be taken off your Kindle, which is a bit similar to a regular book lending program that involves non-digital books. You can pick any age group to see the selections in those categories, and every section can be sorted by popularity and date. Below the description of each book is the download count and, for some, a Read Online option if you’d rather do that than download it. Many files have two options: PDF and EPUB. There aren’t a ton of choices for kids books, though. A small collection is categorized as Children’s/middle grade and a few more under Young adult. Unfortunately, adult books are listed right next to them and the filtering option to hide them doesn’t appear to work.