Since it can be difficult to determine the reason why YouTube TV isn’t working, we’ve compiled some tips and tricks to help you get the service back up and running.

Is YouTube TV Down for Everyone or Just You?

The first step is to determine whether or not the problem is limited to your system. When the problem is on YouTube’s end, all you can do is report the issue and wait for a fix. If you have already confirmed that you are the only one with the problem, skip to the next section for additional troubleshooting tips. Here’s how to diagnose the extent of the problem: If none of those steps reveals any evidence of service interruptions, then the problem is likely on your end. It does not include YouTube or YouTube TV, but if a lot of Google services are down, then there’s a good chance a service problem is affecting YouTube as well. The best place to look for this type of activity is on Twitter, where you will find complaints about YouTube TV outages under #YouTubeTVDown or similar hashtags and search terms. You can also check other social media platforms, but Twitter is the fastest resource for this kind of information. If YouTube TV is down, you can expect to find people complaining about it on Twitter.

Down For Everyone or Just Me Down Detector Is it Down Right Now? Outage.Report

How to Fix It When YouTube TV Isn’t Working

Most problems that prevent YouTube TV from working are related to your network hardware and software. In rare cases, you may be dealing with some type of malware, or a problem with your internet service provider (ISP). If you suspect that YouTube TV is only down for you, follow these troubleshooting tips to get it working again:

Network Problems

If you’ve tried all of these troubleshooting tips and YouTube TV still isn’t working, then you may be having a problem with your internet service provider. This is especially likely if other websites are also down. You may also have too many devices connected to your network, or you may have insufficient bandwidth to run high-data sites like YouTube TV. If you are watching YouTube TV on a web browser, download the YouTube TV app (iOS, Android, Windows) and try watching on your mobile device. If the app is working, then chances are the website is temporarily down. If your device is infected with malware and it is successfully removed, then you may find your access to YouTube TV restored. While this isn’t very likely, it is easy to check. In your web browser, navigate to If YouTube TV now works, you need not take any further action to fix the problem. If you aren’t able to access YouTube TV through any of the devices on your network, and none of our tips worked, then you should contact your ISP for further assistance.

Last Resort: Change Your DNS Servers

There is a very small chance that YouTube TV is not working because the path your device is using to connect to Google’s servers is wrong. This is likely true if you can use the service when connected to cellular data, but not when connected to your home internet. The easiest way to fix a problem like that is to use a different DNS server. If you aren’t sure what a DNS server is, you’re probably using the ones that your ISP assigned to you. Take a look at our guide to changing DNS servers for the next steps, or check out our list of Free & Public DNS Servers for alternatives.