The upcoming update, dubbed Windows 11 22H2, promises to include numerous changes to Redmond’s latest offering, such as bringing Android apps to the desktop operating system, significant improvements to the user interface, and a lot more. “Microsoft has taken feedback from power users and tweaked the current Windows 11 to come out with a better stable version,” Gaurav Chandra, CTO, As You Are, told Lifewire over email. “This will definitely be a useful upgrade from Windows 10.”

New and Noteworthy

A recent report by AdDuplex revealed that Windows 11 is now installed on 19.3% of computers. Meanwhile, Windows 10 21H1 emerged as the most popular version of Windows commanding a 27.5% share, while Windows 10 21H2, which came out barely a month after Windows 11, has a 21% market share.  These figures seem to suggest that many Windows 10 users prefer to upgrade to the newer version of their current operating system rather than making the jump to Windows 11. Microsoft has to shoulder some of the responsibility for the low adoption figures. After all, the reduced functionality of the taskbar in Windows 11 felt unnecessary and counter-intuitive.  But it appears Microsoft has an ear to the ground since in a January 2022 blog post, Panos Panay, Chief Product Officer at Microsoft, talked about some of the features due to make landfall in Windows 11 sometime this year.  One of the most exciting ones is the ability to run Android apps on Windows 11 devices. But Panay also made it a point to list various taskbar improvements such as easier window sharing. Soon it was reported that the update would also bring back support for taskbar drag and drop and add a new Task Manager. Chandra suggests 22H2 is a step in the right direction, not just correcting many of the wrongs of the initial release but also introducing new functionality, many of which users have been asking for since the launch of Windows 11 last year.  Together with overhauls to iconic Windows apps like Notepad and Windows Media Player, the 22H2 could be a real game-changer for Windows 11, finally convincing people who were holding out to make the leap from Windows 10. In fact, summarizing the upcoming changes, the Windows, computers and Technology YouTube channel went as far as to refer to the 22H2 update as “version 2 of Windows 11.” Windows Report was a little reserved in its praise saying that it truly hopes the 22H2 update delivers all the features it seems to promise.

Are We There Yet?

Starting with Windows 11, Microsoft announced it’ll switch to releasing feature updates only once every year, down from the two in the Windows 10 lifecycle, bringing it in line with macOS.  So while we’re sure there will be a Windows update in 2022, exactly when that’ll be is unclear. Windows Latest was quick to spot that in developer builds, Microsoft refers to the upcoming update as Windows 11, version 22H2, which is the first time the company has officially used that name.  They argue the H2 in the name suggests that the release will come out in the second half of the year or sometime after June 2022. Windows 11 came out in October 2021, and Microsoft could perhaps release 22H2 to coincide with the operating system’s first anniversary like it did with a Windows 10 update back in 2016.  Those who feel October is too long a wait can take solace in the fact that since Microsoft has now begun using the name, it’s perhaps an indication that the update is feature complete and only needs to be put through its paces to soothe out any rough edges before it’s pushed out the door. If you’re eager to try out some of these new features, you can sign up to be a Windows Insider to take the release for a spin before its official launch. Irrespective of when it happens, Chandra is positive this update will be a big and welcome overhaul for Windows 11. “The previous Windows 11 update was like Windows Vista [with] a lot of issues with the user interface and user experience. But with this update, we will have a Windows 7 moment: works just great!”