But unlike last year’s Marvel’s Avengers and the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy game from Square-Enix, this crime-fighting adventure is a mobile exclusive. This means fans won’t be powering up their PCs, PlayStations, or Xbox consoles, but will instead be saving the world on their smartphones. While it’s played on iOS and Android devices, Future Revolution isn’t necessarily smaller or less ambitious than the big-budget games we’re used to enjoying from behind a controller. In fact, developer Netmarble is promising an expansive, open-world role-playing game packed with the sort of graphics and interactivity typically associated with AAA titles.

Powerful Presentation

The first thing that struck me during my preview of Future Revolution wasn’t the fist of a henchman, but its stunning visual presentation. As the developer of 2015’s Marvel Future Fight, Netmarble has some background in bringing Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to life on mobile devices, and they’ve clearly built on that experience here. Brimming with character-specific details and impressive graphical fidelity, the iconic superheroes pop off the screen with a level of realism typically reserved for PC and console games. Players are treated to this eye-popping showcase from the get-go, as Future Revolution opens with an extended, semi-playable cinematic scene starring its eight protagonists—Captain America, Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Star-Lord, Black Widow, Storm, Doctor Strange, and Spider-Man. Screen-filling effects, like Storm’s lightning-based attacks, steal the show, but subtler touches, such as Star-Lord’s signature trench-coat flapping in the breeze, also add to the presentation. This is all supported by immersive background and ambient effects, from crackling fires and falling debris to shadow and lighting tech that significantly ratchet up the realism.

Pretty Pummeling

What’s more impressive is the fact Future Revolution maintains the level of visual polish present in its cinematics during its gameplay. In fact, the superheroes’ slick attack animations further contribute to the feeling you’ve been unleashed in a Marvel movie. I mostly played as Captain America during my demo, using his signature shield to crush Ultron bots and any other baddies that crossed my path. But while Steve Rogers’ basic punches and shield tosses look fantastic, they only scratch the surface of his stylish attacks. You’re given access to several moves, all of which light up the screen with over-the-top animations and special effects. Whether pinballing between multiple targets or pounding a single threat into the pavement, the accompanying visuals ensure you’re always saving the day with cinematic style to spare.

Chaotic Combat

As much as my eyes were engaged by the on-screen action, my thumbs weren’t quite as impressed. Cap has six or so attacks to start, including a satisfying ultimate move capable of clearing the entire screen, but rather than carefully managing his arsenal, you generally can spam moves until the battlefield’s clear. Boss battles and higher-leveled enemies put up more of a fight, but most moment-to-moment battles can still be handled by mindlessly wailing on the buttons. It’s not just an issue of lacking challenge, but also that combat encounters quickly fill the screen with so much activity it can be difficult to plan and strategize. Toss in the fact all the attack buttons share a corner of the screen with a cluster of six or so other inputs, and it’s often impossible to fully appreciate the combat’s potential depth and nuance. This isn’t to say Future Revolution isn’t fun. While the combat can quickly devolve into button-mashing chaos, clearing enemies from behind a stylish arsenal of Captain America-specific attacks still put a smile on my face. And, of course, battling is just one element in an experience overflowing with features. The final game promises absorbing character progression and customization systems, including the ability to mix and match hundreds of costume pieces. An original multiverse story—which sets the stage for rich new worlds to explore, like New Stark City and Hydramerica—is also on the agenda. Additional multiplayer and cooperative modes will fill out the full package, while the evolving game will eventually expand its roster of day-saving characters.  In its current state, Future Revolution’s combat doesn’t quite pack the depth you might expect from a role-playing game. If you’re craving some pretty, portable superhero action, however, this one might be worth suiting-up for when it lands on August 25.