Sorry I didn’t write to you sooner, but I made sure to get this in the mail after settling in here. I’m fine! We were just at sea a little longer than expected because we had to detour around a couple of small squalls along the way. It’s been a little over a week now, and I think I might finally be getting the hang of the life of a Builder. Having the old workshop waiting for me definitely helps! It was in rough shape, but it only took me a couple of days to patch up the holes. Now I don’t have to worry about the wind (or bugs) getting in at night, haha. Thankfully the bed is still in good shape, so I didn’t have to worry about sleeping on the floor. Actually, I wanted to thank you both for sending me some new furniture for the place, too! It was already waiting in my mailbox when I got here, and it’s really livened the place up! The massage chair seems like a bit much, but I guess I can’t argue with something this comfy.

(Almost) Everybody Is so Nice Here!

With all the repairs, I’ve only just started making the time to introduce myself around town. I said “hello” to a few folks on my way in, but I don’t think that counts. Anyway, I’ve managed to stop by most of the shops, and while the owners have all been really friendly, their stuff is kind of expensive. At least, it’s expensive for someone who just moved here. There’s just this one guy… I think he’s the number one Builder around here? Anyway, he’s kind of a jerk. I’m hoping that with enough time and effort, I can knock him out of the top spot and maybe take him down a peg or two. I know, I know, it’s kind of petty, but this guy really grates on my nerves. I’m pretty sure a lot of people here aren’t too fond of him, honestly. Everyone else I’ve met has been cool, though. My favorite place to hang out has been the Research Lab, where Petra and Merlin work, I guess because they’re kind of nerdy like me. Also, probably because I get to learn more about ancient technologies there. I’m even working with them to restore some old equipment I’ve found at the nearby ruins!

Oh Right, the Ruins

Okay, yes, ruins from the old world can be dangerous, but I’m really careful. The Civil Corps is letting me borrow some gear to help me get around and find ancient relics, and the caves in town are super safe. Well, okay, I did find a few hidden rooms with some small monsters in them, but you both taught me how to defend myself, remember? And it definitely helped because I turned those mutant slugs into paste! Exploring the ruins has been my favorite pastime around here. I love seeing those distant blips in my tracker goggles and then digging my way to them to see what I find. I’ve gotten my hands on lots of useful stuff this way, like power cores that have kept the workshop running for days at a time. I even found a couch! I had to clean it up a little since it was encased in rock for hundreds of years, but it’s still surprisingly cozy! I know you’re both nervous about me being out here on my own, but I promise I’m taking good care of myself. I’m (usually) getting to sleep at a decent time, even though the days just seem to fly by. I also remember to eat even when I get wrapped up in my work. And like I already said, I’m very careful when I go into the ruins. I hope that by the time you’re able to visit, I can at least get a second bed, haha. Love you both,

  • Rob